
Student Rubric for Blogging


Anne Davis, of Georgia State University, designed a webquest to introduce elementary students to blogging.


    Your writing will be honored on your blogs. You will have freedom to develop your writing. I want us to have some guidelines to help you review and reflect upon our writing and learning. We will use the 6 Trait Writing in Blogging rubric to help guide our writing.

6 Trait Writing in Blogging

Ideas & Content
The student has original ideas and expresses them clearly. Ideas are related to the topic.
The student expresses some original ideas that are related to the topic.
The ideas expressed are not necessarily orignal; are not always connected to the topic.
The ideas expressed are not original or are not connected to the topic.
Writing is confused and off topic.
The organization enhances the central idea of the response. Order and structure moves the reader through the writing. The Introduction draws the reader and the conclusion makes sense. Transitions show how ideas connect .
The organization of the response is good and is related to the topic. Most of the order and structure moves the reader through the writing.
The organization of the response is somewhat confusing; the reader has to go through the response more than once to understand the response.
The organization of the response is confusing and seems to get off the topic; not clearly a response to the question posed.
Writing is totally disorganized.
The reader's questions are anticipated and answered thoroughly and completely. The reader has no doubt has to the writer's feelings about the topic.
The reader's questions are anticipated and answered to some extent. The reader has little doubt about the writer's feelings about the topic.
The reader is left with one or two questions. More information is needed to "fill in the blanks".
The reader is left with several questions.
The reader is not able to follow the writer's meaning or feelings about the topic.
Sentence Fluency
All sentences are well-constructed with varied structure.
Most sentences are well-constructed with varied structure.
Most sentences are well-constructed but have a similar structure.
Sentences lack structure and appear incomplete or rambling.
Incomplete sentences; use of phrases.
Word Choice
Words are vivid and colorful; using description, the writer creates a picture of their thoughts for the reader.
Words are vivid and colorful; using description, the writer tries to create a picture of their thoughts for the reader.
Some use of vivid and colorful words.
Words are adequate but not especially colorful; a bland response.
Words are bland and the writer seems to be uninterested.
Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Writer makes a few errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Writer makes some errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Writer makes repeated errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Very hard to read due to errors.

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